Felipe & Ana
"Well Wishes" From Our Family & Friends
“Deseandoles que disfruten al máximo esta celebración de su matrimonio. Que Dios los continue bendiciendo y que sean muchos años más de una feliz unión. Un beso y un abrazo!” - Gerry y Mitch | |
“Enhorabuena chicos!!Esperamos disfruteis de estos regalos y tengais un buen recuerdo de vuestro gran dia. Gracias por dejarnos formar parte de este momento tan especial de vuestras vidas.
Os deseamos otros muchos años de felicidad juntos.
Os queremos” - Pili, Chema, Abi, Pilar &Joaquin | |
“Congratulations and have a wonderful evening together!” - Janice and Tony | |
“I am really looking forward to seeing you guys and your little Liam in Cancun! Congrats!” - Eugene | |
“Congratulations!!! We hope you enjoy the gifts. We are looking forward to celebrating with you guys! We love you!” - Gilberto &Vrinda (also known as JS and DT) |
Thank You for visiting our honeymoon bridal registry and wedding website. We decided to use this honeymoon bridal registry to allow us to pre-plan all the wonderful things we want to do on our dream honeymoon. If you have any questions about how our honeymoon bridal registry works, please contact a honeymoon registry specialist at 800-801-3493 and they can help with our wedding registry list. Again, Thank You so much for using our honeymoon bridal registry and wedding website. Most of all, thank you for being part of our wedding and helping us have the romantic honeymoon and wedding we've always imagined.
This is a sample registry
Items cannot be purchased from a sample registry.
If you're looking for a specific couple please search for them here.